Normal Hair Loss And Its Prevention


Hair loss is a problem of millions of people as it affects the looks and is related to one’s self-esteem and self-image. However, it is important to remember that one can hardly keep every single hair of one’s scalp intact throughout life. Losing a few dozen to about a hundred hairs daily is considered normal hair loss by most cosmetic surgeons. There are many causes for normal hair loss that regularly occurs in both men and women. These include physical breaking by stress or trauma to hair coming off during rubbing in wet conditions and genetic vulnerability to hair loss. In men, pattern baldness is also considered to be normal hair loss by many cosmetic surgeons because it is rooted in one’s heredity and is not caused by a particular disease or some health problem. In both genders, normal hair loss usually increases with age.

Preventing Hair Loss


Most people do not easily notice normal hair loss, as it is not severe enough to be observed. However, continual loss due to trauma or other reasons on a daily basis can cause a gradual thinning of hair over a long period. To make sure that one’s scalp makes up for the lost hair, it is recommended to follow some health-friendly guidelines for better hair growth. Minimizing the use of synthetic sugar and salt, while consuming more vegetables, salads, and fruits are helpful in making hair strong and thick. Avoiding the use of alcohol and tobacco and abstaining from excessive shampooing of hair also promotes hair growth. Deodorant soaps and other kinds of harsh chemicals damage the skin and hair, and hence their use must be avoided, especially on the scalp. Massaging the scalp with hands or by using an electric vibrator promotes hair growth.

Exercise, Mental Stress And Normal Hair Loss

Regular exercise also helps reduce the daily loss of hair from the scalp by improving blood and nutrient circulation. Aerobic exercises are very effective in maintaining a good circulation throughout the body. Exercise including headstands and other postures that bring the head below the body is especially useful for the health of scalp and hair. Weight and resistance training are also useful. It is important to remember that exercise strengthens hair loss but, once the hair is lost, does not play any significant role in hair re-growth. Another significant factor in furthering hair loss is mental stress. Mental labor or stress has been shown to narrow blood vessels and restrict the circulation of nutrients to body organs and skin. Getting busy with enjoyable activities and practicing relaxation techniques enable a person to check mental stress and thus reduce normal hair loss.